专属 优惠

我们的优惠一直都很特别,你可以想象的每一种方式。你看,我们很清楚大经验可以为灵魂做些什么。 一年四季,我们的每家酒店和度假村都会为您提供物超所值的服务。 查看您认为想要入住的酒店或度假村的以下优惠。


Turning Waste into Innovation

We've implemented biogas digesters at Habarana Village by Cinnamon, Cinnamon Citadel Kandy, and Cinnamon Wild Yala. These digesters convert food waste into biogas, used in our kitchens and for heating. Waste oil generated from our operations is collected and converted into biodiesel through approved vendors.

To maximise reuse and recycling, we segregate all non-hazardous waste on-site and collaborate with selected vendors for responsible disposal, whether recycling or repurposing. We conduct thorough assessments of waste vendors, ensuring their practices align with our ethos through on-site visits.

Innovative initiatives include converting discarded linen into handmade batik works of art by 12 empowered women from the Hikkaduwa community, supported by Hikka Tranz by Cinnamon. At Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon, we create waterproof beach bags from recycled umbrella cloth, with proceeds supporting students through the provision of personalised aluminium water bottles, reducing plastic usage.